The path to wellness.


Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive approach to wellness. It focuses on unwinding fascia through encouraging the unrestricted flow of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) around the brain and the spinal cord.


How does it work?

Through injury, illness, etc. the flow and rhythm of the CSF fluid can become restricted or blocked, causing the Craniosacral rhythm to feel irregular or uneven. Thus the movement of joints can become compressed and the range of motion limited. Releasing fascia allows better range of movement of muscles and joints while also opening up restrictions in the skin and vital organs.

With Craniosacral Therapy the sacrum, vertebrae and head are encouraged to return to their natural supporting positions.​

Through very gentle hands-on techniques, a Craniosacral Therapist is trained to sense the areas in the client’s body where there are restrictions in fascia or muscles, and then listen to the body’s response on how to proceed in making changes and releasing restrictions.

How does Craniosacral help?

Craniosacral Therapy helps to turn on your body’s own innate healing power and in that creates optimal health. It can help treat the following:

Start healing.

Contact CAVE to schedule your appointment.

Accreditations and Memberships

Massage Therapy Certified
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Naturopath Certified